Sunday, December 21, 2008


Well Ricky, its now Christmas time.  Its gonna be pretty lonely without you here.  I know you would probably have to work and would be complaining like crazy about driving in this snow we have.  You would have had to put chains on to get out of the parking lot, but at least you would have been undercover to put them on. Michelle had to have Nate put chains on for her. She has mine so I only have chains for the van. You would love the weather here, it is below freezing, and for Newberg, that is cold. We even got a bunch of snow here. So much I can't even get my van open it is frozen shut, let alone get it out of the driveway! 

I know this was not your plan, to many indications you were not ready yet.  But since fate has taken you, we will be spending Christmas without you here.  Its gonna be sad not to have you here to put the kids toys together like you always did. You always did have a funny way of putting the doll houses and cars together for us.

You will be missed this Christmas.

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